Living Single on Minimum Wage
by Kay Iscah & P.J. Lockabey
Genre: Personal Finance
Length: 115 Pages
A budgeting book for low income singles by low income singles. Living Single on Minimum Wage takes a simple approach to budgeting that's free from the extra complications of family financial planning and upper and middle class investment concerns. This is a quick read that takes a deep, holistic approach to budgeting and explores how to get the most out of life when money is tight.
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Note for international readers: This book is intended specifically for use in the U.S.A. Some advice is universal, but not all.
Book News! (5/21/14) We're gearing up for the second edition of this title which will include updated examples and new content to reflect changing health insurance laws. Please follow our Minimumwager blog or on Facebook for upcoming news and giveaways.
Suggested Reader Age: Teens & Adults
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